ABSTRACT The recent outbreak of COVID-19 in South Korea has significantly changed food consumption behavior. While sales in the restaurant business declined as consumers who concerned about infection refrained from going out, the number of having meals with family members at home increased,...
Country: Korea Topic: Overview
We estimated the decrease in the amount of agricultural product purchases by calculating the change in restaurant sales and the change in agrifood for school meals after Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak based on the data from NAVER Co., Ltd. and Statistics Korea (KOSTAT). The results...
Country: Korea Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT The Malaysian government plans to transform the agriculture sector to be a dynamic, sustainable and competitive sector. Agriculture has been recognized as one of the National Key Result Areas (NKE) that projected to increase the gross national income to around RM49 billion (US$11.6...
Country: Malaysia Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT Food industry significantly contributed to industrial GDP of Thailand with a strong backward linkage to the agricultural sector, the foundation of Thai economy.  In general, Thai households have spent 33.9% of total expenditures on foods and beverages.  Previously, Thai...
Country: Thailand Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT An arm of the Andaman Sea in the southern part of Myanmar, Gulf of Mottama Region (GoM), is supporting both coastal population and agricultural productivity in Bago Region and Mon State. The livelihoods in the rural sector depend on agriculture, livestock, and fishing and self-...
