ABSTRACT Potato is an important cash crop for many farmers in the rural area of Myanmar and especially in the hilly region of Southern Shan State and riverbanks in the lowlands in Magway Region. The consumption of potatoes in curries, crisps and French fries increases substantially in the coming...
ABSTRACT People’s Business Credit (KUR) is a financing scheme for working capital and investment provided to prospective beneficiaries who have productive and viable businesses, including agricultural businesses, but do not have additional collateral or the additional insufficient collateral....
Country: Indonesia Topic: Agribusiness
ABSTRACT There is a touch of cosmopolitanism to Taiwanese food cultural soft power. Taiwanese indigenous food and agricultural practices are infused with colonial-era Japanese cuisines, mainland provincial dishes and Italian and American influences. The cultural cross-pollination of global...
ABSTRACT Taiwan has a long history of vegetarian food production, and its food producers have specialized expertise in producing vegetarian food. As the demand for meat alternatives grows rapidly worldwide due to nutritional and environmental concerns, food producers have switched their focus to...
ABSTRACT Countries reliant on food imports like Singapore were recently affected by the Russo-Ukraine war and the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic as both events increased the prices of staple foods. To mitigate this situation, Singapore’s rooftop farms focused on cultivating mass-consumed...
