ABSTRACT The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in global-scale changes to the flower industry and consumer habits, including those in Japan. Present report examined the situation in Japan according to production data and consumption patterns before and after the pandemic. The results indicate that...
ABSTRACT Climate change has affected the entire world. Without exception, the impacts of climate change are becoming evident across the Korean peninsula. In order to mitigate the impacts and damage caused by climate change, in particular, the Korean agricultural sector is required to play a more...
ABSTRACT Sustainable agricultural development is the management and maintenance of organizational, technical and institutional changes for agricultural development in order to ensure the increasing human demand for agricultural products and services, while meeting needs of the future. According...
Country: Vietnam Topic: Rural development
ABSTRACT Crop insurance program becomes an important farm financial support for farm operators in Korea. Understanding behavior changes of farms in response to the participation in crop insurance program is critical to identify the ability of the policy to meet its goals. This study examines the...
 ABSTRACT The sustainability of the next generation's ability to have access to enough food and a good standard of living will be put at risk if current patterns of food production and consumption are retained. The conflict of interest between agricultural and non-agricultural land use...
