ABSTRACT This article discusses the application of modern mechanization technologies in Malaysia's four industries (paddy, pineapple, oil palm, and rubber). The application of modern mechanization technologies in the agriculture sector in Malaysia is moderate. Almost all farmers in these four...
ABSTRACT In response to increasing climate risks and adhering to international trends to achieve carbon emission reduction targets by 2030 and a net-zero emission goal by 2050, Taiwan adopted the new “Climate Responsive Act” on January 10, 2023. The “Climate Responsive Act” is a comprehensive...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Climate change
ABSTRACT Several reforms were brought in through several amendments in the Tea Marketing Control 2003 to safeguard the Small Tea Growers (STGs) from the prolonged price crisis. The green leaf tea prices for the last decade hovering around US$ 0.10 to 0.18/ kg (INR 82/US$), which is far below the...
ABSTRACT Thailand ranks sixth among the world’s top rice producers. Knowledge production has made important contributions to technological innovation in the whole supply chain of the Thai rice sector. The aim of this paper is to provide insight into the broader innovation system context in the...
ABSTRACT   Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak is an acute contagious disease that attacks cloven-footed animals. FMD has been reported to have spread and threatened many livestock in several parts of Indonesia and spread evenly throughout the province. FMD is categorized as a national...
