ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the issue, strategy, and control measure policy of low-carbon emissions development in Indonesia’s agriculture. The result of the analysis shows that during the last decade (2010-2020), agriculture contributes about 7.86% of the total national carbon emissions. The...
Country: Indonesia Topic: Climate change
ABSTRACT The Promotion of Organic Rice Production project in Thailand was done from 2017 to 2021 by the Rice Department (RD). The objectives of the project are: 1) to promote organic rice production by the farmers’ group under “Organic Thailand” standard of the Ministry of Agriculture and...
Country: Thailand Topic: Agriculture
ABSTRACT The Japanese rice fish, also known as medaka, is increasing in popularity as ornamental fish. The mutant breeding of new varieties of non-wild medaka is booming among medaka lovers. However, there is no generally accepted framework for labeling non-wild medaka varieties, which causes...
Country: Japan Topic: Fisheries
ABSTRACT The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and the Russia–Ukraine war disrupted ASEAN food supply chains. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, for example, has affected the availability of migrant laborers operating in the agricultural sector, coupled with rapid urbanization resulting in a...
