ABSTRACT In response to the pandemic situation of COVID-19, Taiwan’s government has formulated various relief and revitalization measures to those affected industries and businesses. For the agriculture sector, the measures include providing concessional loans and interest subsidies,...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT Philippine agriculture has long been fraught with gender issues that made it systematically harder for rural women to have equal access to rural and agricultural resources such as land, farm inputs, and loans. Historically, women do not have enough representation as well in key decision...
ABSTRACT The project was conducted by Feng Chia University of Taiwan in partnership with the local community at Manado slaughterhouse Bailang Village, Manado city, Indonesia. Bailang Village is located at the suburbs with area of 4.52 km2. The population of Bailang Village is around 7,500 people...
ABSTRACT Hanoi is one of the top pig producers and consumers in Vietnam. However, pig is mainly produced by small-scale producers; the number of small-scale producers, including smallholder (under 30 porkers) and small-scale farms which are from 30 porkers to less than 100 porkers accounts for...
Country: Vietnam Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT Organic agriculture is a farming practice which is currently increasing very rapidly globally due to the increase in demand for safe, healthy and environmentally friendly foods. However, the share of organic farming is still very low compared with conventional farming. The major...
Country: Thailand Topic: Overview
