ABSTRACT The livestock industry plays an important role in the Malaysian economy as the Compound Annual Growth Rates (CAGR) for both gross output and value added were recorded at 15.1% and 17.2%, respectively during 2010-2015 period with the largest contribution of the output stemming from the...
Statistics Korea (KOSTAT) had quarterly implemented the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) to analyze households’ current conditions and changes of living. This article analyzes the state and the prospects of Korean households’ expenditure on processed foods in 2018, based on the raw...
ABSTRACT As a part of the Medium-Term National Development Plan, the Strategic Plan of the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture 2020-2024 is generally aimed at achieving a self-relience, developed, and prosperous agricultural community by increasing food security and agricultural...
Country: Indonesia Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT The Philippine sugarcane industry is contributing an annual revenue of about PhP 70 billion (IS$1.3billion). Close to 700,000 Filipinos are directly employed in sugar production and about 5-6 million more are indirectly employed (SRA, 2019). It can be found in many regions covering...
ABSTRACT  As a megadiverse country, the Philippines is recognized with its rich biodiversity. It has the most diverse life forms on a per unit area. Its biodiversity, composed of various flora and fauna, provides resources to meet basic needs for human survival, promotes economic...
