ABSTRACT On March 18, 2002, the Fifth Conference of 9th Central Committee of the Communist Party issued Resolution No. 13-NQ / TW on continuing to renovate, develop and improve the efficiency of the collective economy. In 2019, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) organized a...
ABSTRACT Indonesia is the second-largest producer of natural rubber in the world. Indonesian rubber is the only commercial source of natural rubber production, which represents nearly half of the total world rubber production due to its unique mechanical properties, such as tear resistance,...
Country: Indonesia Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT The Philippine’s Balik Scientist Program, administered by the Department of Science and Technology, is part of the country’s solution to the brain drain phenomena. The program taps Filipino expertise abroad to contribute to the development of the Philippines by encouraging...
ABSTRACT Waste Analysis and Characterization Study (WACS) is the process of gathering information on the quantity and composition of solid wastes generated from various sources in the Municipality of Batad, Iloilo, Philippines. This is part of the bigger process of the Municipal Solid Waste...
ABSTRACT Plant resources conservation plays an important role in providing resources for many important economic sectors of Vietnam. In the national genebank system, 37,820 accessions were collected both nationally (36,324 accessions) and internationally (1,496 exotic accessions). In total, 38,...
