ABSTRACT Malaysia is one of the important countries for the world’s pineapple industry. In 2017, Malaysia was ranked number 19 as the top pineapple producing country, and number five as the top exporter of pineapples in the world. Every year Malaysia produces more than 350,000 Mt of pineapples....
ABSTRACT Black gram is an economically important pulse in Myanmar and mainly exported to India. In August 2017, India announced a 200,000 tons import quota on pigeon peas and 150,000 tons quota each for black gram and green gram. This study aimed to analyze the determinants on profitability of...
ABSTRACT As the youth unemployment continues to rise in urban areas and the baby boomer generation retirees move to rural areas, the Korean government has implemented various policies for stable settlement for returned farmers and residents and revitalizing the economy of rural villages. The...
INTRODUCTION The Korean liquor industry has been growing steadily under the government’s institutional regulations and protective measures. Since the late 2000s, however, the competitive environment has been changing structurally due to changes in consumer preferences such as the opening of...
ABSTRACT The Indonesian Minister of Agriculture issues the Regulation Number 40/2019 as one of initiative reforms concerning the licensing procedures in the agricultural sector of the country. It is implemented through simplifying and streamlining the procedures of agricultural business licenses...
Country: Indonesia Topic: Agribusiness
