
ABSTRACT Edible oil in Myanmar plays an important role as an essential food item in the daily diet of the Burmese people. Considering the growth rate of the population in the country, it is assumed that the per capita edible oil consumption will be increased yearly based on the population and...
Country: Myanmar Topic: Agribusiness
ABSTRACT The spread of Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) in Korea made people stay at home, which yields that households reduce their frequency of going to supermarkets and grocery stores to buy foods and that many households make order delivery or take-out of foods instead of eating at...
Country: Korea Topic: Agribusiness
ABSTRACT The importance of Thai processed food products (TPFPs) has increased as a major export product of Thai agricultural and agri-food sectors over the past few decades. Moreover, Thailand has become a key producer and exporter of traded processed food. In addition, the expansion of Thai...
Country: Thailand Topic: Agribusiness
ABSTRACT Entrepreneurship is important for economic development of every nation as it creates employment and generates income from the selling of the technological products. Statistics show that majority of the entrepreneurs in Malaysia are those people whose ages are between 35 and 64 years old...
