
ABSTRACT The demographic changes in Thai agricultural sector have raised concerns over the lower participation of young agri-entrepreneurs and the sustainability of the sector. Oppositely, the digital economy has, however, widened the opportunities for younger generations in various ways. This...
Country: Thailand Topic: Agribusiness
ABSTRACT According to the statistical data of Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) of Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan) in 2017, the number of farmers in Taiwan have gradually decreased from 1.6 million in 1978 to 557,000 in 2017. According to the 2015 census of...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Agribusiness
ABSTRACT The future challenges facing agriculture will require a paradigm shift from a production orientation to a market-centric orientation. There should be a mindset shifts from a traditional perspective of agriculture of production to a market-centric agribusiness model. Philippine...
Country: Philippines Topic: Agribusiness
ABSTRACT The author discusses his personal account on the humble beginnings of Harbest, a company which he started when he was a young entrepreneur working and staying in Taiwan and soon took shape when he returned to his native land in Negros Island in the Philippines. From a company that first...
Country: Philippines Topic: Agribusiness
ABSTRACT Youth plays a very important role in the political, economic and social development of the country. In Myanmar, half of Myanmar’s population is under the age of 27. Within this age group, the largest group of youth between 5 and 14 can offer a possible demographic dividend to reap the...
Country: Myanmar Topic: Agribusiness
