
According to the IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) 2015 report in State of Food Insecurity of the World, there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution for tackling hunger and food insecurity. Interventions must be tailored to conditions, including food availability and...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Agribusiness
Introduction Agriculture is the main economy of Thailand. About 46.6% of the total population relies on the agriculture sector for their livelihood. Crop production plays an important role as one part of agriculture. In Thailand’s gross agricultural output the contribution of  the...
Country: Thailand Topic: Agribusiness
Introduction Increased productivity and profitability of farming is an important pathway to reduce poverty in the rural areas of Myanmar. After land, water and human resources, fertilizer is undoubtedly one of the agricultural inputs to increase the high yield when used in proper time and proper...
Country: Myanmar Topic: Agribusiness
On July 20, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) announced that it is working on a project called ‘Mi (meaning ‘rice’ in Chinese Character)racle Project’ as a part of the project to increase rice consumption. MAFRA with famous chefs developed 7 types of desserts made from...
Country: Korea Topic: Agribusiness
INTRODUCTION In the Malaysian National Agro-Food Policy (2011-2020) (NAP4), seaweed was identified as one of the high-value commodities under the program of Entry Point Project 3 or EPP 3 (Venturing into Commercial Scale Seaweed Farming in Sabah)  which was subjected to the themes of “...
Country: Malaysia Topic: Agribusiness
