ABSTRACT In Taiwan millions of livestocks are raized for animal protein supply, however most of the feed ingredients are imported. For food safety and sustainable environment, explore the available locally produced feed resources is a more and more urgent issue. There are lots of by-products...
ABSTRACT The Netherlands is a global leader in innovative agriculture, well equipped with the knowledge and expertise to help its agriculture industry transform into a sustainable industry based on circular agriculture principles. Waste management is one of the main aspects of circular...
ABSTRACT This study's main idea was to explore research fronts in agricultural science for insights into the future development in agricultural technology. Through science mapping results, the members of governmental organizations (such as policymakers, technology managers, and research...
ABSTRACT The facilitation of agricultural education in Thailand has been in existence and practiced for more than 100 years. This has been conducted in three forms: formal education; non-formal education; and informal education. There are three levels of agricultural education: basic education;...
Country: Thailand Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT Over the past 30 years, agriculture has had a high and relatively stable growth, reaching an average of 3.5% per year. However, at the current stage, the basic resources (labor, land, fertilizer) for agricultural growth in the previous periods have almost reached their limit. Total...
