ABSTRACT In recent years, gene editing (GE) techniques, such as CRISPR/Cas9, are broadly applied to agricultural and medical sectors because of the characters of low technical barriers and high efficiency. In this review, we will concentrate on using GE as a precise new breeding technique (NBT)...
ABSTRACT The world population has grown significantly, and as a result many more people have moved into cities. This process is known as urbanization. Urbanization is always associated with high density of people living in small area and urban poverty. Urbanization also has reduced land for...
Country: Malaysia Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT Sustainable agriculture and food security are important global goals. Therefore, the government amends related policies and accompanying measures to achieve these goals in Taiwan. The government agencies vigorously promote the development and application of bio-pesticides and bio-...
ABSTRACT Biogas, which is comprised of methane and carbon dioxide, is a renewable energy source that is produced through anaerobic digestion by a consortium of anaerobic microorganisms. Various organic materials, including organic wastes, organic fractions of municipal solid wastes, wastewaters...
ABSTRACT In Myanmar, rubber is a priority crop in national development plans, which employs about 350,000- 400,000 workers, mainly in the plantation or upstream sector linked to planting and production of raw natural rubber. The study aims to identify critical intervention areas of rubber...
Country: Myanmar Topic: Agriculture
