INTRODUCTION According to the Agricultural Census in 2013, there were 14.2 million (55.2%) smallholder farms with an average farm size of less than 0.5 hectare. Consistent with the general pattern in developing countries, the trend of small holder farms in Indonesia is increasing but the...
ABSTRACT A brief discussion on the importance of technology transfer policy was discussed in this paper. It provided the significance of crafting a law for technology transfer and what are the pressing issues and challenges to be addressed. Related policies were also presented and how they...
BACKGROUND Agricultural circulation policies in India express a set of obligatory protocols intended to achieve certain public goals. The Increase in agricultural productivity and rapid industrial growth from 1992 to 2016 has considerably achieved in reducing poverty in the country from 24 % to 15...
ABSTRACT In Myanmar, agriculture is most sensitive to disasters as the nature of crop production is mainly dependent on weather conditions. Among the disasters, floods resulted from the effect of Cyclone Komen in 2015 had a severe impact on the livelihood of rural households that rely on...
Country: Myanmar Topic: Agriculture
ABSTRACT Thailand recently has launched a program called “large-scale farming model” aiming to improve production efficiency and competitiveness by reducing production costs, increasing yields, and aligning production with market demand. The program, however, has experienced several...
Country: Thailand Topic: Agriculture
