Sustainable land management Sustainable land use and protection of soils play a key role in food, climate, and human security. For this reason, the human management of soil resources will have wide-ranging consequences on human security for generations to come. The United Nations Convention to...
ABSTRACT The Malaysian Government introduced the National Agrofood Policy 2011-2020 (NAP4) in 2010, as a guidance document for the implementation of programs and projects for the development of the agricultural sector in Malaysia. The ten years period of this NAP4 will be completed at the end of...
Country: Malaysia Topic: Overview
INTRODUCTION The Korean agricultural sector faces a number of challenges to be solved despite its rapid economic development. The Korean agriculture is characterized by small-sized family farming. Average farmland size is around 1.5 ha per farm which is the smallest among OECD member countries....
Country: Korea Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT This article is a translated excerpt of Expanding Farmers’ Income and Farm Management Safety Nets which is the first chapter of Action Plan of Agricultural Policy Task of 2018-2022 Development Plan for Agriculture, Rural Community and Food Industry prepared by Ministry of Agriculture,...
INTRODUCTION The Government Assistance Program is a new program in agriculture by the government to support national agricultural performance. The program was established during the administration of the Work Cabinet, during the administration of President Joko Widodo. At first, Indonesia's...
Country: Indonesia Topic: Overview
