Yuan-Chung Lin

Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University
Job Title
Distinguished Professor

Latest Submission of the Author

INTRODUCTION Asian countries cultivate almost 28 % of the total coffee beans produced in the world (World Atlas, 2016). It’s known for producing some of the world’s greatest and most unique coffees. The taste of Vietnamese or Indonesian coffee, for example, are two flavors that some...
ABSTRACT India is one among the fastest growing economy countries in the world and lifted around 160 million people out of poverty over the last 25 years. It is geographically, culturally, and economically diverse.  The agricultural sector remains as the main source that drives the growth and...
Country: India Topic: Agriculture
BACKGROUND Agricultural circulation policies in India express a set of obligatory protocols intended to achieve certain public goals. The Increase in agricultural productivity and rapid industrial growth from 1992 to 2016 has considerably achieved in reducing poverty in the country from 24 % to 15...
INTRODUCTION In Taiwan, the Council of Agriculture (COA) was established in 1984 as the competent authority under the Executive Yuan that is in charge of the agricultural, forestry, fishery, livestock and food policies on the island (COA, 2012). Presently, there are 14 departments or units...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Overview
BACKGROUND Agriculture is one of the important backbones of Indian economy. Agriculture has special significance for low income, poor and vulnerable sections of rural society.  India's agriculture policy stabs to ensure that agriculture is profitable and farm prices are stable through...
Country: India Topic: Overview
