Korea's agriculture has rapidly developed into smart agriculture incorporating advanced digital technology. Recently, with the emphasis on the consumption sector, it is important for agricultural product producers to develop and produce varieties with superior quality and safety in...
It has been pointed out that the direct payment system of rice caused an oversupply of rice. In addition, polarization of direct payments according to the size of farms was also raised as a problem. Accordingly, in 2020, the Korean government reorganized the former direct payment system...
Since the Korea-Vietnam FTA went into effect, Vietnam’s imports of Korean agricultural and livestock products have increased 26.6% annually due to lower tariff rates. Vietnam exported $460 million worth of agricultural and livestock products to Korea in 2018, the fourth-largest export...
The recent outbreak of COVID-19 in South Korea has significantly changed food consumption behavior. While sales in the restaurant business declined as consumers who concerned about infection refrained from going out, the number of having meals with family members at home increased,...
We estimated the decrease in the amount of agricultural product purchases by calculating the change in restaurant sales and the change in agrifood for school meals after Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak based on the data from NAVER Co., Ltd. and Statistics Korea (KOSTAT). The results...
Jae Keun Shin
Agricultural Policy Research Team, Nonghyup Economic Research Institute (NHERI), National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (NACF), KoreaJob Title
Research Fellow (Team Head)E-mail
zegni@naver.comLatest Submission from Korea
The Importance of ICT Technology Development and Smart Agriculture in the Participation of Korean Small-Scale Farmers in the Value Chain
The Introduction and Effect of Public-Purpose Direct Payment Program in Korea
Trade Status between South Korea and Vietnam and the Vietnamese Market Condition
Impact of COVID-19 on Food Consumption and Dietary Behavior in South Korea
An Analysis on the Changes in Agrifood Consumption in Restaurants and Schools since the COVID-19 pandemic