Sustainable agriculture and food security are important global goals. Therefore, the government amends related policies and accompanying measures to achieve these goals in Taiwan. The government agencies vigorously promote the development and application of bio-pesticides and bio-...
The animal vaccine industry is closely related to domestic epidemic prevention and safety, citizen health, and food safety; it also influences national agricultural economic output and relevant biotech industry development. Taiwan’s animal vaccine industry, which includes nine animal...
Sawdust is a major ingredient for cultivation of edible mushrooms. In Taiwan, the annual demand of sawdust for mushroom production has increased to more than 350,000 tons in recent years. Using sawdust for mushroom production is not only expensive but is also harmful to the...
In Taiwan millions of livestocks are raized for animal protein supply, however most of the feed ingredients are imported. For food safety and sustainable environment, explore the available locally produced feed resources is a more and more urgent issue. There are lots of by-products...
With more plastics in the oceans than fishes in the future, this dire prediction has highlighted the destruction of nature by the marine fishing industry. Yet, human demand for such marine products is insatiable and continues to grow. With the emergence of large developing economies and...
Yu San Liu
Agricultural Policy Research Center, TaiwanJob Title
Senior Research Fellow/DirectorE-mail
ysliu@mail.atri.org.twLatest Submission from Taiwan
Promoting Commercialization of Biopesticides and Biofertilizers for Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in Taiwan
The Current Status and Development Strategies of the Animal Vaccine Industry in Taiwan
Recycling and Value-Adding of Spent Mushroom Substrates
Application of By-Products from Agriculture and Food-Processing as Feed Resources for Ruminants
Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Sustainable Aqua Farms in Taiwan