
Introduction To provide incentive to the rice farmers, the Indonesian Government has established Procurement Price at the farm gate for paddy and at the rice miller for rice.  In 2016, the procurement price for dried paddy at the farm gate was IDR 4,700/kg and for milled rice was IDR 6,000...
Country: Indonesia Topic: Agriculture
ABSTRACT Indonesia has experienced significant changes during the last 10 years, primarily driven by increasing population, household’s income, and food supply, which ultimately shifted food consumption patterns. Changes in food consumption patterns that are increasingly diversified affect...
INTRODUCTION Concerning the Food Law No. 18/2012, there is a mandate for the central and local government to improve fulfillment of food consumption in both of its quantity and quality. For Indonesia, rice is a national strategic commodity and it is not only a staple food for the majority people,...
INTRODUCTION Following Indonesia’s Agriculture Policy Act 2010 No. 13 regarding the horticulture statutory framework, there is international trading which includes the import and export regulations detailed in the Agriculture Policy Act 2017 No. 15. The regulations shall be stipulated as basis...
Introduction Indonesia is a large country in terms of population and geography and has the potential to become a food supplier for the world in the coming decades. Just recently, Indonesia’s Minister of Agriculture urged his government to promote the food program in the country to the World Food...
