ABSTRACT Indonesia is the eighth top tea-producing country in the world. The central tea-producing areas are 10 provinces among 34 provinces in the country. Recently, the domestic tea industry of Indonesia is facing problems in terms of decreasing planted area, lacking technology application,...
Country: Indonesia Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT The efficient tenure system and tenure security will lead to the productive use of lands which will ultimately foster increase in productivity. Therefore, this study analyzes the overview of this concept and its application in Myanmar’s context of identifying the rationales and...
ABSTRACT Taiwan was vying with the rest of the world to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of converting to renewable energy and lowering carbon emissions by 2030. Reducing the use of chemical pesticides and establishing a bio-circular economy in the agricultural system...
ABSTRACT In response to extreme weather events caused by climate change, world leaders are called upon to adopt more aggressive and sustained greenhouse gas emission reduction measures to stabilize global temperature rise not exceeding 1.5°C by 2041. There are currently 137 countries that have...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Climate change
ABSTRACT Coconut is one of the essential industries in Malaysia. The value of coconut production is about RM666.70 (US$158.70) million, in 2021. However, the coconut industry in Malaysia is declining, and the government aspires to revitalize it into a dynamic and progressive industry. The low...
Country: Malaysia Topic: Agribusiness
