
ABSTRACT Indonesia is ranked third after China and India among the ten biggest producing countries of tomatoes in the Asia Pacific region. In the last five years, the production of Indonesia’s tomatoes increased by about 4.60% per year i.e., from 976,790 tons in 2018 to 1,168,743 in 2022....
Country: Indonesia Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT The relocation of the national capital is an old issue in Indonesia and has only been realized during the current government administration. It will certainly have positive and negative impacts, including on the agricultural sector. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the planning...
Country: Indonesia Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT Korea’s agricultural income per farm household in 2022 was KRW9.49 million (US$7,342), the largest decline since statistics were compiled. The low level of agricultural income, which has not exceeded KRW10 million (US$7,740) over the past 30 years, threatens the sustainability of Korean...
Country: Korea Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT This study examined the importance of different determinants influencing farmer participation in the collective water management activities in the Pyawt Ywar pump irrigation project area of Myinmu Township in Myanmar. Stratified random sampling was used to collect data from the sample...
Country: Myanmar Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT The outbreak and spreading of COVID-19 have worsened food and nutritional inequality in most countries. Korea is not an exception from the case. The food expenditure difference between the low-income group and the non-low-income group is also increasing, as well as the food insecurity...
Country: Korea Topic: Overview
