Eco-friendly agriculture (satoyama and satoumi)

ABSTRACT An arm of the Andaman Sea in the southern part of Myanmar, Gulf of Mottama Region (GoM), is supporting both coastal population and agricultural productivity in Bago Region and Mon State. The livelihoods in the rural sector depend on agriculture, livestock, and fishing and self-...
ABSTRACT Land degradation in the form of soil erosion is a major issue in ensuring food security and sustainability in agriculture. The reduction of soil erosion depends a lot on the use of soil conservation practices. The study attempted to assess the factors influencing farmer’s adoption of...
ABSTRACT The potential risk of a crop disease can be determined by considering the three components of the “disease triangle” that may combine to cause its occurrence: pathogen, host, and environment. An outbreak of a crop disease requires the presence of a virulent pathogen in sufficient...
ABSTRACT The biodiversity in rice paddies is influenced by factors such as the surroundings and farming methods employed but is also related to the rice yield and production costs. In 2013, a survey was conducted in Hualien County to determine the community structure of invertebrates in rice...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS) are “dynamic mosaics of habitats and land uses where the harmonious interaction between people and nature maintains biodiversity while providing humans with the goods and services needed for their livelihoods,...
