Eco-friendly agriculture (satoyama and satoumi)

ABSTRACT This article raises the problem of excessive reactive nitrogen (Nr) from agricultural sources – both in Taiwan and in the European Union (EU). A threat of agricultural nitrogen pollution is being addressed from the perspective of agri-environmental nitrogen policy (here: Nr policy),...
ABSTRACT Agriculture in developing countries is the most sensitive economic sector when it comes to climate change. Thailand is one of the developing countries where agriculture plays a significant role and is likely vulnerable to the changing climate. Past studies investigated the impacts of...
UPLAND AGRICULTURE IN THAILAND Uplands in Thailand, like in many other ASEAN countries, are considered highly important and vulnerable in both ecological and social aspects. Their functions as source of headwaters and controlling water cycle and water balance have profound and far-reaching effects...
Biomass energy or bioenergy, in 2015, was the fourth largest source of the total primary energy supply (TPES) in the world[1]. According to Renewable Energy Development Act in Taiwan, the biomass energy (Article 3.2) is defined as “energy produced by utilizing or processing the agricultural...
INTRODUCITON In Thailand, there are mangrove forests along the coastal areas. They play a major role in the ecosystem. They also protects the coastal environment by reducing the erosion and the striking of heavy waves and strong winds along the coast (Pumijumnong, 2014). Moreover, mangrove forests...
