Before 2016, the installed capacity of biogas power generation was 19 MW in Taiwan, including 4 landfill sites, 31 pig farms (0.32 MW), and other industrial waste treatment sites[1]. Since the feed-in tariff (FIT) for electricity generated from biogas with the anaerobic digestion system...
 Background of the amendment The Seed Law was issued in 2000 and amended respectively in 2004 and 2013. This time, the overall amendment of the Seed Law was an important step towards marketization of crop seed industry. The agriculture commission of the National People’s Congress took...
Country: China Topic: Agriculture
Introduction To provide incentive to the rice farmers, the Indonesian Government has established Procurement Price at the farm gate for paddy and at the rice miller for rice.  In 2016, the procurement price for dried paddy at the farm gate was IDR 4,700/kg and for milled rice was IDR 6,000...
Country: Indonesia Topic: Agriculture
INTRODUCTION After the EU fipronil scandal on 11th of August 2017, the Council of Agriculture (COA) started to collect eggs from all layer farms on 19th of August. 3% of 1451 farms are contaminated with fipronil. 1.57 million eggs are destroyed or used as fertilizers. Taiwan’s eggs market...
INTRODUCTION Synergistic cumulative anthropogenic impacts degrade biodiversity across the ocean, especially in the Pacific (Caldwell et al. 2009) . Coral reefs, a critical source of biodiversity face intense threats from multiple sources including overfishing, nutrient pollution, direct...
