This leaflet introduces you “The management package for agricultural production (GAP)”, which has increasingly attracted to agricultural industries. To begin with, please answer the following questions: Q1 (food safety): What happens to your farm if the products shipped from your farm...
Forests and forest administration in the republic of Korea The Korean peninsula is located between 33˚ 7´ and 43˚ 1´ N Latitude, and 124˚ 11´ and 131˚ 53´ E longitude at the heart of the North Western Pacific, sharing a border with China and Russia to the north and lying...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Others
INTRODUCTION The agricultural sector is one of the most contributive sectors for the Indonesian economy. Because of its importance every farming and peasant business should be protected, especially in the face of various problems such as business uncertainty, price risk, crop failure, high cost...
Background China’s land reclamation was developed under special historical circumstance in order to bear the national missions. Alter 60-year development, it has established 1780 state-owned farms, 5400 state-owned or state-holding enterprises in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and...
ABSTRACT In recent years, coffee has been Vietnam's important agricultural export product. Vietnam's coffee production always leads the world in Robusta coffee. In the past two years, the export of processed coffee has increased significantly in comparison with that of coffee beans, but the...
Country: Vietnam Topic: Agribusiness
