Food security and safety

Source: Council of Agriculture (COA) Because of the rising concerns on food sources and safety, consumers start to look more carefully about the meat farms, feeding environment, hygiene, and meat quality. On the other hand, the aggressive participation of regional free trade agreement, like TPP,...
Source: Council of Agriculture The Taiwan-Peru-New Zealand joint hosting of the 2016 APEC Conference on Minimizing Retailer and Consumer Food Losses and Wastes on September 22 has raised a high attention among APEC member countries. The successful close of this conference will propose several...
INTRODUCTION The Food Law No.18/2012 emphasizes that the state has an obligation to secure the availability and access, to adequate, balanced, safe, and nutritious food consumption at the national, regional, and individual levels in all regions of the country by utilizing local resources,...
Source: Council of Agriculture According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) research, as high as 1.3 billion metric tons of food, or one-third of the annual global food production, get lost and wasted every year. Particularly, the food losses and wastes occur at...
Background ASEAN is in the process of creating a single market and production base which allow the free flow of goods, services, investment, skilled labor, and capital across the region.  This innitiative indicates a major step toward the greater cooperation and integration among 10 ASEAN...
