Orachos Napasintuwong

Orachos Napasintuwong

Orachos Napasintuwong received her Ph.D. in Food and Resource Economics from University of Florida in 2004. She is currently Associate Professor at Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Kasetsart University, Thailand. Her teaching and research areas are economics of agricultural biotechnology, economics of agricultural innovation, and production economics.

Her expertise includes rice economy in Thailand and Southeast Asia, seed industry analysis and agricultural technology policy.

She serves as an editor for Applied Economics Journal and Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development and a board member of Agricultural Economic Society of Thailand under Royal Patronage and Executive Committee Member Asia Pacific Agricultural Policy Forum.

Join FFTC-AP since 2018

Latest Submission from Thailand

ABSTRACT Based on a case study of cassava analysis, this study described food loss along the cassava supply chain. Overall food loss in Thailand at the processing level was very limited. In addition, the electricity generation and biofuel produced from biogas from the cassava and starch factory...
ABSTRACT The facilitation of agricultural education in Thailand has been in existence and practiced for more than 100 years. This has been conducted in three forms: formal education; non-formal education; and informal education. There are three levels of agricultural education: basic education;...
Country: Thailand Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT One of our greatest challenges in the 21st century is how to sufficiently and sustainably feed nutritional and safe foods to the world population. Plant factory with artificial lighting (PFAL) is a closed plant production system. Regardless of environments outside, PFAL is considered as...
Country: Thailand Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT The importance of Thai processed food products (TPFPs) has increased as a major export product of Thai agricultural and agri-food sectors over the past few decades. Moreover, Thailand has become a key producer and exporter of traded processed food. In addition, the expansion of Thai...
Country: Thailand Topic: Agribusiness
ABSTRACT This study aims to review the approaches and policies on smart farming for small-scale farming in Thailand. The opportunities and challenges of smart farming as well as initiatives policies are also discussed. Under the challenges in many aspects on the agricultural sector, such as...
Country: Thailand Topic: Smart agriculture
