Orachos Napasintuwong

Orachos Napasintuwong

Orachos Napasintuwong received her Ph.D. in Food and Resource Economics from University of Florida in 2004. She is currently Associate Professor at Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Kasetsart University, Thailand. Her teaching and research areas are economics of agricultural biotechnology, economics of agricultural innovation, and production economics.

Her expertise includes rice economy in Thailand and Southeast Asia, seed industry analysis and agricultural technology policy.

She serves as an editor for Applied Economics Journal and Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development and a board member of Agricultural Economic Society of Thailand under Royal Patronage and Executive Committee Member Asia Pacific Agricultural Policy Forum.

Join FFTC-AP since 2018

Latest Submission from Thailand

INTRODUCTION After the student uprising in 1973 which brought about democratic movements, Thai agricultural policy has shifted from urban-biased policy which aimed at keeping the rice price at low level to support the consumers and workers’ cost of living for industrialization, to producer...
Country: Thailand Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT Precision agriculture for rice cultivation has been applied in the targeted areas. By using technology or innovations that were invented by the government, the private sector or farmers have developed for rice cultivation. The use of PA in the cultivation of rice farmers depends on...
Country: Thailand Topic: Smart agriculture
ABSTRACT With the emergence of digital channels and growing e-commerce across industries in Thailand, the e-commerce for the agricultural sector has gradually emerged. Digital platforms can enable farmers to overcome agricultural problems throughout the value chain from upstream to downstream....
ABSTRACT In Thailand, agriculture is a key social activity and operate by 5.911 million small farms using 18.7 million ha and covers approximately 30% of land resources with diverse biotic and abiotic ecosystems.  However, with demands for food security with environmentally friendly...
Country: Thailand Topic: Smart agriculture
INTRODUCTION In Thailand, the agricultural sector contributes only 8% to the national GDP. Despite this fact, agriculture still plays a vital role in Thailand. First, as a major source of food supply for the Thai people and for the world and second, as a major source of employment. In 2018, the...
Country: Thailand Topic: Overview
