ABSTRACT Biosecurity is one of the main factors affecting disease occurrence and antimicrobial use. However, the importance of specific measures could vary depending on the national context. The objectives of this study was to describe the biosecurity status in the pig and poultry production...
Country: Vietnam Topic: Smart agriculture
ABSTRACT The livestock industry in Malaysia comprises of ruminants and non-ruminants. Currently, the ruminant sector which consists of beef and dairy cattle, dairy buffaloes, sheep, and goats are still raised in small-scale. The national level of meat production is still low at around 23%....
Country: Malaysia Topic: Smart agriculture
ABSTRACT The scale of animal farming in Japan has changed significantly over recent decades, with a move towards larger, more intensive, primarily due to market pressures. This change has resulted in demand for technologies that can reduce costs and labor inputs while increasing farm productivity...
Country: Japan Topic: Smart agriculture
ABSTRACT Japanese pork production remained flat in recent years, but number of pig farms have decreased and farm size in each farm has increased. In order to improve their production performance, many farms keep their records such as mating, farrowing, and weaning events of sows and mortality or...
Country: Japan Topic: Smart agriculture
ABSTRACT The reticuloruminal function is central to digestive efficiency in cattle. Monitoring the rumen condition in cattle is important because a dysfunctional rumen system may cause death. Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) is a typical disease in cattle, characterized by repeated periods of...
Country: Others Topic: Smart agriculture
