Introduction According to the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Agriculture from 2015-2019, the primary focus of agricultural development is to achieve food sovereignity and farmers welfare.  The corresponding strategic goals consist of: (a) to achieve self sufficiency on rice, corn,...
Country: Indonesia Topic: Overview
Abstract During over the 30 years of agricultural transformation, China’s agricultural circulation policy has molded a comparatively comprehensive framework. This framework by and large comprises of three noteworthy classifications: fundamental agricultural circulation policies, guidelines...
Country: China Topic: Overview
INTRODUCTION Thailand is an agricultural country with a total area of about 51.31 million hectares. More than 23.88 million hectares are used for agricultural production, which is equivalent to 46.54% of the country’s total agriculture land (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment,...
Country: Thailand Topic: Agribusiness
ABSTRACT The promotion of healthier dietary patterns has currently become an important concern for Thai public health. This article is a review of the current transition in dietary patterns and nutrition status in Thailand together with food consumption trends of Thai consumers. It is found that...
ABSTRACT   MAFRA established a ‘Five-year Comprehensive Plan for the 3rd Foreign Agricultural Resources Development (`18~`22)’. This plan is to change the direction of foreign agricultural development into developing various crops, help the expansion of related industry, and support...
