ABSTRACT Myanmar has the potential to increase its rice production, quality and exports. The rice industry remains the most important contributor to GDP, income and employment generation. Rice is grown in 34% of the the country’s total cultivated area in 2016. The labor engagement rate of...
ABSTRACT Producing high quality rice and obtaining price premium for smallholder producers have been a challenge for Asian rice farmers due to poor postharvest management, inappropriate technology, and unsupportive market conditions. This is an exploratory study of whether a multi-stakeholder...
ABSTRACT In rainfed lowland rice ecosystem, farmers adapt to climate change by changing planting pattern from traditional hand transplanting to dry direct seeding in order to avoid early drought. Therefore, breeding for new aromatic photoperiod sensitive variety which is flowering in early October...
ABSTRACT More than half of farm households in Thailand are in the rice sector. Majority of them are smallholders, and they are struggling with higher costs and lower yield rate, as well as rising competition in the global market. These reflect the need to move up the rice value chain based on...
Country: Thailand Topic: Agribusiness
ABSTRACT Demand for specialty rice among Malaysians shows an increasing trend in recent years.  The consumption of high quality rice has increased due to higher living standards and health reason.  To meet the demand, most of the quality rice was imported from various rice producing...
Country: Malaysia Topic: Agribusiness
