Rozhan Abu Dardak

Rozhan Abu Dardak

Dr. Rozhan holds a bachelor’s degree in Resource Economic from Unversiti Putra Malaysia, MBA (International Business) from the Birmingham Business School, England, and Doctor in Business Administration (DBA) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He served as a Research Officer at the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) for 32 years.

He has vast experiences in undertaking research on marketing agricultural produce, innovation management and technology transfer/ commercialization of technology. He presented more than 50 papers at the local and international seminars and conferences, and published more than 100 articles, books, chapter in a book, research papers, annual report and manuals.

He was appointed as the Director of  Economic, Social Science and Agribusiness Research Center, the Director of Strategic Planning Center, and his last position before retired in 2019, was the Deputy Director General ( Development and Operation) MARDI.

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INTRODUCTION Massive uses of indigenous plants of local origin have potential to increase global food production and local variation to different environmental humans’ habits. Developing the rare crop creates the potential to diversify food production toward limited number of crops by...
前言 全球氣候時時刻刻在改變,許多證據顯示氣候在過去曾歷經變遷,並會持續改變。造成氣候變遷現象的原因被認為與天然變因與人為介入有關。氣候變遷源自三個外部原因,即入射太陽輻射的變化、大氣層組成的變化和地表組成的變化。天然變因可能透過以上三個機制改變氣候,而人類活動(人為氣候變遷)則透過第二和第三個機制造成氣候改變。人為活動增加二氧化碳或溫室氣體的濃度,可能因此導致全球氣候出現改變。二氧化碳以及甲烷、氧化亞氮和氫氟碳化物等溫室氣體會吸收地表熱輻射、降低大氣層,並將這些熱能反射回地球,造成溫室效應和全球暖化。本文討論馬來西亞氣候變遷相關的議題和挑戰,...
INTRODUCTION World climate is always changing. There are many evidences showing that the climate has changed in the past and will continue to change. The causes of this phenomenon are believed to be due to both natural variations and human intervention. Specifically, there are three external...
Introduction Durian (Durio spp) or the “King of Fruits” is a seasonal fruit that is extensively grown in tropical regions, in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines. It also grows in northern Australia, some South American countries and in Africa. Known for its distinctive...
Country: Malaysia Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT Demand for specialty rice among Malaysians shows an increasing trend in recent years.  The consumption of high quality rice has increased due to higher living standards and health reason.  To meet the demand, most of the quality rice was imported from various rice producing...
Country: Malaysia Topic: Agribusiness
