Rozhan Abu Dardak

Rozhan Abu Dardak

Dr. Rozhan holds a bachelor’s degree in Resource Economic from Unversiti Putra Malaysia, MBA (International Business) from the Birmingham Business School, England, and Doctor in Business Administration (DBA) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He served as a Research Officer at the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) for 32 years.

He has vast experiences in undertaking research on marketing agricultural produce, innovation management and technology transfer/ commercialization of technology. He presented more than 50 papers at the local and international seminars and conferences, and published more than 100 articles, books, chapter in a book, research papers, annual report and manuals.

He was appointed as the Director of  Economic, Social Science and Agribusiness Research Center, the Director of Strategic Planning Center, and his last position before retired in 2019, was the Deputy Director General ( Development and Operation) MARDI.

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