Thi Thi Soe

Department of Agricultural Economics, Yezin Agricultural University
Job Title
Assistant Lecturer

Latest Submission of the Author

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to analyze the edible oil consumption in Myanmar. A total of 3,945 households from 15 regions/states of Myanmar were surveyed in November 2021. The annual edible oil consumption per capita of the whole country was 14.39 kg and found to be increased nearly 64%...
Country: Myanmar Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT Household food consumption system, eating styles and habits are directly related with inter-household food preferences on individual food items. Age and gender are the factors affecting individual food preferences which have significant impacts on health and welfare at different stages...
Country: Myanmar Topic: Agribusiness
ABSTRACT The ratio of food cost, total expenditure, and income is a useful indicator of food security at the household level. In this study, a total of 220 respondents from Nay Pyi Taw region were interviewed about their monthly food consumption, its costs, and income of their households. On...
Country: Myanmar Topic: Agribusiness
ABSTRACT Rice is grown mainly in Ayeyarwaddy Region in Myanmar. Pathein District, Ayeyarwady Region is one of the rice bowls which grows different rice varieties with a different type of marketing along the whole value chain with relative price and quality of products. Therefore, this research...
ABSTRACT Edible oil in Myanmar plays an important role as an essential food item in the daily diet of the Burmese people. Considering the growth rate of the population in the country, it is assumed that the per capita edible oil consumption will be increased yearly based on the population and...
Country: Myanmar Topic: Agribusiness
