ABSTRACT Hanoi is one of topped pig production as well as consumption in Vietnam. However, the pig is mainly produced by small scale producers. The large scale farms which raised over 500 pigs accounted for only 0.15% while the small-scale producers with less than 100 pigs account for 62%. Even...
Country: Vietnam Topic: Agriculture
INTRODUCTION   World palm oil production is dominated by Indonesia and Malaysia, which supply 85-90% of the world's total palm oil production. Indonesia is the largest producer and exporter of palm oil. This industry also contributes the largest foreign exchange to Indonesia, which is...
Country: Indonesia Topic: Agriculture
ABSTRACT   Agriculture is a critical sector in the economic landscape of the Philippines. It has an active role to national development, particularly on rural development. However, the industry is largely characterized by small-scale family farm holdings. Majority of farmers are poor...
  ABSTRACT   The project primarily aimed to strengthen land, forest and reef management processes and biodiversity conservation on all terrestrial landscapes and marine and seascapes in Batad, Iloilo Philippines. This will be achieved through a community-based strategy having a ridge-...
ABSTRACT Japan has a unique (and complicated) pork import tariff system, called the gate price system. Under this system, importers can minimize their tariff payments by combining high-price (and high-quality) pork with low-price (and low-quality) pork to set the CIF price at 524 yen per...
