ABSTRACT Tropical fruits are important to Malaysia as they are the source of income for farmers, source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers for humans and generate revenue from the trading activities. Tropical fruits are also important in terms of land use after oil palm, rubber and paddy....
Country: Malaysia Topic: Agriculture
INTRODUCTION The idea appeared in APEC EWG 54th  meeting at Wellington, Australia on November 22, 2017, when North Sulawesi, Indonesia Vice Governor delivered his presentation and stated that “North Sulawesi Province as a Promising Land of Renewable Energy to be utilized and to be conserved...
INTRODUCTION Taiwan is located in subtropical and tropical regions of Asia. The combination of its moist climate, high temperature, and rich soil with excellent production technology results in diverse agricultural and horticultural productions. However, despite the maturity of agricultural...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Agribusiness
INTRODUCTION Populations of the world’s tropical coastal zones have traditionally used mangrove resources for subsistence as well as commercial purposes. In Southeast Asia, mangrove region alone, 41% of plant species from mangroves are used for medicine, 25% for construction materials, 22% as...
Country: Myanmar Topic: Forestry
INTRODUCTION After participating in the WTO, agricultural products in Vietnam must meet the increasingly stricter commodity standards of importing countries. At the same time, safe food production and trading are an imperative requirement and also a concern of consumers and the whole community....
