ABSTRACT   The Japanese Cabinet adopted the 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan as a basic policy of science and technology innovation of five years from 2016 to 2020 and determined ‘Society 5.0’ as a future industrial structure and the ideal form of social system. Many of the...
ABSTRACT   Globally, one person in three is malnourished. The coexistence of undernutrition with overweight and obesity, and micronutrient deficiencies clearly indicates that current food systems are failing people’s health. More than half of the world’s malnourished children live in Asia and the...
ABSTRACT In Thailand, agriculture is a key social activity and operate by 5.911 million small farms using 18.7 million ha and covers approximately 30% of land resources with diverse biotic and abiotic ecosystems.  However, with demands for food security with environmentally friendly...
Country: Thailand Topic: Smart agriculture
ABSTRACT The demand for agricultural lime is high, considering its various uses from agricultural production to processing. This study determines the lime potential of three shellfishes, namely: Crassostrea iredalei (Oyster shell), Decatopecten radula (Pecten shell), and Anodontia edentula (...
ABSTRACT   The agro-product traceability system is considered an approach that may lead to create product differentiation in the market, elevate product competitiveness, and bring about better production and consumption environment for agro-products in Taiwan. Through the integration of...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Smart agriculture
