Food security and safety

ABSTRACT Pesticide Management is still a complicated task with cross mandatory responsibility from various departments. At the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)in Cambodia, there are three departments working namely: 1) the Department of Agriculture Legislation as regulatory...
ABSTRACT The Philippines as a developing country and with limited resources to implement intense monitoring of pesticide residues has focused on other ways to assess and manage risks.  The top priority of the Philippines is food production/security and in the local market, pesticide residues...
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to establish an analytical method to measure pesticides and to analyze pesticide residue levels of Korean agricultural products such as yuza (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka), yuza tea, and ginseng products. Risk assessments were also performed by...
ABSTRACT Techno Rice, which is the rice treated with the state of the art supercritical carbon dioxide rice cleaning process, is tasty, clean, safe, and environmentally sound. As for the preparation of boiled brown rice, no additional rinsing and presoaking is needed and requires much less...
INTRODUCTION Urban farming is a cultivation practice where food is produced in the cities around existing town areas (Bailkey and Nasr, 2000). Generally, urban farming is not a new concept in Malaysia. The similar concept of farming activities adopted by urban folks surrounding  residential...
