Food security and safety

I. Enhance Safety Management 1. Promotion of GAP certified safe fruits and vegetables: There were 2,127 GAP listed agricultural production and sales groups at the end of 2014. Those farmer production and sales groups cover a total of 25,719 hectares. With a plan of production traceability...
For the past few years, consumers have been paying attention to food security and the logistics of food distributions from farm sources.. This emerging consumer trend encourages multiple ways of innovative marketing aligned with the concept of community supported agriculture (CSA) beyond the...
The Interchange Association, Japan’s de facto embassy in Taiwan, has called on the Taiwan government to cancel its plans to tighten regulations on Japanese food imports right after the Executive Yuan recently declared that it will launch the measure on schedule. According to Joseph Yeh of...
Regarding health & safety in the labeling of commercial eggs, COA will strengthen management at the source side of livestock farms and coordinate with Health and Welfare Ministry to handle the joint inspection (audit) work in order to ensure health and safe consumption of eggs. This gives...
Source: Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taiwan It is true that Eating more hormone ripening pineapple could cause sickness, using potions could hasten the ripening of bananas? Tomatoes contain then fatal Solanum nigrum alkaloid, really?  A lot of friends forward these...
