Zhen Zhong

School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Renmin University of China
Job Title
Assistant Professor

Latest Submission of the Author

Background China’s land reclamation was developed under special historical circumstance in order to bear the national missions. Alter 60-year development, it has established 1780 state-owned farms, 5400 state-owned or state-holding enterprises in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and...
Introduction In 2015, the MoA launched a campaign on grain yield growth and green development in Northeastern China, Northwestern and Southwestern China, and regions along the Yellow River. Huaihe River and Haihe River, as well as the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River. The ministry...
 Background of the amendment The Seed Law was issued in 2000 and amended respectively in 2004 and 2013. This time, the overall amendment of the Seed Law was an important step towards marketization of crop seed industry. The agriculture commission of the National People’s Congress took...
Country: China Topic: Agriculture
INTRODUCTION Leisure agriculture and rural tourism are new-type industrial forms of modern agriculture and modern tourism, and are important in promoting the construction of beautiful villages, and a vibrant and healthy China. Because of the improvement of income level for urban-rural residents,...
Country: China Topic: Rural development
Background In recent years, China’s grain output continued to grow, with an increase in farmer’s incomes. Agriculture and rural economy have developed rapidly with great achievement, which provided powerful support for healthy and continuous development of the economy and society....
Country: China Topic: Agriculture
