Agricultural cooperatives and farmers' organizations

ABSTRACT Indonesia has experienced significant changes during the last 10 years, primarily driven by increasing population, household’s income, and food supply, which ultimately shifted food consumption patterns. Changes in food consumption patterns that are increasingly diversified affect...
ABSTRACT The impacts of climate change on cooperatives are a growing concern that needs to be urgently addressed for a cooperative to become competitive and sustainable in the long run. This paper presents the cooperative case for going green where opportunities and prospects for greening the...
ABSTRACT Hom Mali rice or Jasmine rice from Thailand has been reputable for its strong aroma and soft texture, and perceived as high quality in the world market. With increasing demand for high quality products from rice consuming countries, the competition for Hom Mali rice has been escalating...
INTRODUCTION For the past 30 years, the food consumption pattern has tremendously changed in Taiwan. Due to the increase in personal disposable income and more westernized life style, food selection is more diversified and specially consumes less on the starchy food. From Table 1, it has shown...
INTRODUCTION Concerning the Food Law No. 18/2012, there is a mandate for the central and local government to improve fulfillment of food consumption in both of its quantity and quality. For Indonesia, rice is a national strategic commodity and it is not only a staple food for the majority people,...
