
  ABSTRACT   The “Food industry promotion basic plan” is a mid-to long-term legally mandated plan which is established every five years, and is based on the ‘food industry promotion act’ which aims to strengthen competitiveness of the food industry and to promote the industry....
The AFIA project, which was launched in 2016 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs of Korea, is a information-providing food industry policy that is worthy of reference. In particular, This project is going to be introduced at this point in 2019, as it has undergone a significant...
INTRODUCTION The Smart Farm government policy started with the rapid opening of the oversea market with trading economies such as the US and the EU has progressed rapidly. In the agricultural sector, since 2004, R & D for agricultural and ICT convergence has expanded and begun to pursue...
Country: Korea Topic: Smart agriculture
INTRODUCTION Government budget can be divided into budget and fund by the way it is managed. And there are two ways of financing a project: investment or lending. Government budget is divided into central government budget and local government budget, each of which can be subdivided into general...
Country: Korea Topic: Agricultural finance
INTRODUCTION The Korean agricultural sector faces a number of challenges to be solved despite its rapid economic development. The Korean agriculture is characterized by small-sized family farming. Average farmland size is around 1.5 ha per farm which is the smallest among OECD member countries....
Country: Korea Topic: Overview
