ABSTRACT Due to the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Malaysian government has taken concrete steps in containing and reducing the risks of spreading the virus by initiating the Movement Control Order (MCO) measures. Since then this nationwide action has observed encouraging results in...
ABSTRACT During the COVID-19 pandemic, Malaysia has taken action to impose a Movement Control Order (MCO) to overcome the spreading of the pandemic. Due to the MCO, all activities either economic, social, agriculture and others were totally shut down. The action has caused disruption in the...
ABSTRACT This paper aims to provide empirical evidences about the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on agriculture and rural development in Vietnam, with a focus on smallholder farmers and vulnerable rural people. Based on contextual analysis, document reviews and quick survey in 12 provinces along...
Country: Vietnam Topic: Rural development
ABSTRACT Working conditions in slaughterhouses as well as the accommodation of the employees are regarded as reasons for the specific susceptibility of the slaughterhouse and meat processing sector for coronavirus infections. After massive breakouts in German meat plants, work processes and work...
Country: Others Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT The COVID-19 virus met Germany, like the rest of Europe relatively unprepared. With the rising number of infections, the government implemented a first round of lock-down starting from mid-March up to mid-May. Just shops selling food stuff could stay open, while all shops providing “non...
Country: Others Topic: Agriculture
