Source: Council of Agriculture (COA)   The Legislative Yuan passes third reading of the “Farmers’ Health Insurance Act”, particularly the article 5 amendments on December 14, 2015. The farmers’ association members and non-members participated in the agricultural...
Introduction Food security is a priority agenda of every Government, and it involves all levels including household, national, and global players. There are several definitions of food security from different sources. The definition of the term “food security” which was coined by the...
Abstract Agriculture was once an engine in the economic growth of Thailand. However, the employment in agricultural sector has been declining and the dependence of economy on agriculture has declined since a few decades ago. Thailand has transformed to be an industrialized country from an...
INTRODUCTION Similar to many other emerging economies, Indonesian agriculture is characterized by a dualistic nature, in which large numbers of smallholder farms accounting for large proportions of total production coexist with a small number of modern large-  scale farms. According to OECD...
Country: Indonesia Topic: Overview
Traditionally Korea had been pursuing the trade policy focusing on GATT/WTO multilateral system so the country was reluctant to stimulate FTA bilateral trade agreements until 1990s. In the early 2000, Korea has shifted its international economic policy towards bilateral trade agreement through FTAs...
