INTRODUCITON Demand toward functional foods is increasing in line with the changing lifestyle of Malaysians who began to take care of their physical health. Modern lifestyle and rapid growth of the fast food service industry have led the changes in the eating habits of Malaysia's people and...
Country: Malaysia Topic: Agriculture
Introduction Korean agriculture has been facing many challenges including its sluggish growth opening of market, climate change, and energy and resource shortage problems. Korean government has continually expanded investments in agri-food sector’s R&D to give appropriate solutions to these...
INTRODUCTION Food production especially rice, is very important for Vietnam. In general, Vietnam has favorable conditions for rice production with tropical weather, available land, significant water resources and experiences in rice cultivation. Therefore, the supply and export of rice have been...
INTRODUCTION The Japan Agricultural Cooperative (JA) group has played a pivotal role in Japan’s agriculture while it has been criticized as the main factor which prevents the fundamental reform of agricultural structure and the trade liberalization in the era of free trade. The JA has...
Source: Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan   The "Agro-pesticide Act" was amended on 24 December, 2014.  It intended to track the flow of agro-pesticides and to clarify the responsibilities of illegal drugs,...
