Vietnam’s National Strategy on Nutrition from 2011 to 2020 and its Vision for 2030

Vietnam’s National Strategy on Nutrition from 2011 to 2020 and its Vision for 2030

Published: 2016.06.06
Accepted: 2016.06.06
Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural development of Vietnam

Decision 226 / QD-TTg Approving the "National Strategy on Nutrition from 2011 to 2020 and its vision for 2030" was enacted in 2012. The general view of the strategy includes: improving nutritional status as well as responsibilities of the various levels and sectors and all the people; Ensuring balance, reasonable nutrition is an important factor towards the comprehensive development of Vietnamese people’s physical, intellectual and improvement of the quality of life; Enhancing interdisciplinary collaboration in nutrition activities under the leadership and guidance of the Party committees, governments and mobilizing the full participation of civil society, of every citizen, priorities is given to the poor, disadvantaged areas, ethnic minority areas, among women and children.

The overall objective of the strategy is that by 2020, people's diet should have improved in quantity, with better balance quality, ensuring safety and hygiene; Child malnutrition, especially stunting of growth is significantly reduced, contributing to raising the stature and strength of Vietnamese, effectively controlling overweight and obesity contributing to limit chronic disease transmission which is related to nutrition.

Specifically, the percentage of households with the average energy intake under 1,800 Kcal per person dropped 5%; rate of balance diet P: L: G = 14:18:68 75%; reducing energy deficiency among women of childbearing age to 12%; reducing the proportion of children with low birth weight (below 2.5 kg) to less than 8% ..

By 2030, it is expected to reduce malnutrition of children below the significant level of public health (malnutrition below 20% stunted growth and underweight malnutrition below 10%). Vietnam stature is markedly improved. Perceptions and behaviors about proper nutrition of the people are improved to prevent chronic diseases related to nutrition. Gradually monitoring daily food consumption in order to get a balance meal and a reasonable nutrition, ensuring food safety, ensuring the body’s nutritional needs and contributing to improve the quality of life for all subjected people, especially school-aged children.

The strategy is expected to include two implementation phases: Phase 1 (2011-2015) and Phase 2 (2016-2020). In phase 1, it is expected to implement key activities to improve nutrition, focusing on education, training, human resources development policies and additional support policies for nutrition, institutionalizing the State management for nutrition activities and continuing to effectively implement targeted programs on nutrition. Next, in phase 2, on the basis of evaluation of the implementation of phase 1 (2011-2015), policy adjustments, appropriate intervention, comprehensive deployment solution are done to perform a task stated in the goals of the Strategy. Boosting exploitation and use specialized databases on nutrition service of the plan and continuing the comprehensive review of implementation of the Strategy.


[1] Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rurul Development


Date submitted: June 3, 2016

Reviewed, edited and uploaded: June 6, 2016

