Sustainable Development Strategy of Vietnam for the Period 2011-2020

Sustainable Development Strategy of Vietnam for the Period 2011-2020

Published: 2016.06.06
Accepted: 2016.06.06
Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural development of Vietnam

Decision 432 / QD-TTg on approving the sustainable development strategy of Vietnam for 2011-2020 was issued on 12 April 2012. The Prime Minister issued the Decision No. 432 / QD-TTg approving the Strategy for Sustainable Development of Vietnam for 2011-2020 in view of taking people as the center; maximizing the human factor as the subject, key resources and goals of sustainable development.

The overall objective of the Strategy is to increase the sustainability and efficiency, coupled with the progressive, social justice, protection of natural resources and environment, socio-political stability, independence protection, protecting sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the country. The specific objectives of this strategy include ensuring macroeconomic stability, especially large balances; maintaining food security, energy security, and financial security. Growth model is transformed into harmonious development; gradually implementing green growth, developing a low-carbon economy. Saving and using efficiency of all resources. The monitoring and evaluation indicators of sustainable development in Vietnam for 2011 - 2020 include: human development index (HDI), environmental sustainability index (ESI), efficient use of capital (ICOR), poverty rate, the percentage of workers employed in the economy has been trained, the proportion of commune recognized to reach criteria of new rural development, forest coverage, etc

In the above objectives, the Government specially focuses on ensuring food security on the basis of protecting 3.8 million hectares of rice land; restructuring of agriculture and rural areas towards industrialization; building and consolidating new rural criteria, in line with characteristics of each region; respecting urban linkages - Rural; encouraging the development of the medium and small scale city. Sustainable development must also minimize the negative impact of economic activity on the environment; rational exploitation and resource, natural, especially non-renewable resources. Prevention, control and remediation of pollution, environmental degradation; limiting the harmful effects of natural disasters; adapting effectively to climate change, especially sea level rise.

The preferred orientation for sustainable development in the 2011-2020 period, include the follow:

a) Economical aspect

- Maintaining a sustainable economic growth, gradually implementing green growth, development of clean energy, renewable energy

- Implementation of sustainable production and consumption

- Ensuring food security, sustainable rural and agricultural development

- Sustainable development at regional and local levels

b) Social aspect

- Accelerating poverty reduction in a sustainable way; sustainable job creation; making social justice; successful implementation of social welfare policies

- Stabilizing, improving and enhancing the quality of the population

- Developing culture in harmony with economic development, building and developing of Vietnam families

- Sustainable development of urban areas, new rural construction, reasonable distribution of population and employment by region

- Improving the quality of education and training to enhance the intellectual and professional qualifications which are appropriate to the requirements of the development of the country, or at regional and local levels

- Development of quantity and improving the quality of medical services, health care; ensuring food safety; improving sanitary conditions and working environment

c) In aspects of natural resources and environment

- Anti degeneration, efficient and sustainable use of land resources

- Water resources environmental protection and sustainable use of water

- Rational exploitation and economical and sustainable use of mineral resources

- Protection of the marine environment, coastal areas, island and marine resource development

- Protection and development of forests

- Reducing air pollution and noise in the big cities and industrial zones

- Effective management of solid and hazardous wastes

- Conservation and development of biodiversity

- Mitigation and adaptation to climate change, disaster prevention

The strategy also provides specific solutions to continue to improve the institutional system of sustainable development; improving the quality of governance for sustainable development of the country. Strengthening the financial resources to implement sustainable development. Communication and education, raising awareness about sustainable development. Strengthening the capacity to manage and implement sustainable development. Enhancing the role, responsibilities and strengthening the participation of the business community, social political organizations, social professional organizations, non-governmental organizations and communities in the implementation of sustainable development. Development of human resources for the implementation of sustainable development. Strengthening the role and impact of science and technology, promoting technological innovation in the implementation of sustainable development and expansion of international cooperation.


Date submitted: June 3, 2016

Reviewed, edited and uploaded: June 6, 2016

