INTRODUCTION Malaysia is home to a wide variety of plants species. Located in the tropics, it is one of the most diverse floristic regions in the world. Thus, Malaysia has the advantage of developing and advancing its floriculture industry which could generate decent income to producers and...
Country: Malaysia Topic: Agriculture
Introduction Malaysia has an ideal climate for the growth of various varieties of fruits, besides being rich with a diversity of genetic resources. Most of these fruits are grown to tap into its high commercial value, either for direct consumption or for processing. Fruit species can be...
Country: Malaysia Topic: Agriculture
Introduction In general, there are three types of melons in Malaysia, namely watermelon, rockmelon, and honeydew. These melons are widely cultivated and easily obtained in Malaysia. Even though there are more than 500 varieties of melons and 150 varieties of watermelons all over the world, only...
Country: Malaysia Topic: Agriculture
Introduction Although rice covered 48.70% of the total cultivable land (FAOa, 2011) in the country, the yield was low compared with other countries which occupied a small arable land for rice due to natural disasters. Furthermore, the agriculture sector only contributes 8.6% to the GDP while...
Introduction The TPP is one of the largest trading blocks representing roughly 40% of the world economy (combined GDP of US$ 28.1 trillion), and involving more than 792 million population in 12 countries.  Content of the TPP is considered highly progressive, because it includes some issues...
