Trade liberalization and countermeasures

General overview of Vietnam's fruits and vegetabGles trade In recent years, Vietnamese fruits and vegetables sector has been continually expanding its export market. Vietnam’s fruits and vegetables products have penetrated big markets such as USA, Australia, EU and Japan (VietTrade,...
According to the Vietnam General Custom Office, in the first five months of 2017, rice exports reached 2.282 million tons, increasing by 9.71% over the same period in 2016. It is expected that in the second half of the year, Vietnam will export about 2.97 million tons. The rice export market is...
INTRODUCTION The international trade of agricultural products is projected to sustain its strong growth. The growing world demand on agricultural produce creates an opportunity for Malaysia to expand its export markets and contribute to the Gross National Income since international trade is a...
INTRODUCTION A sharp increase in of palm oil imports from Malaysia over the past two years causes more Myanmar consumers to switch from relatively costly peanut oil to a cheaper one. Imported palm oil is nearly as good as peanut oil, has a clear color and the price is so cheaper that many people...
Source: Council of Agriculture (COA), Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan) (This is a translated article from the original Chinese news release which can be accessed on COA website, id=2506124 ) Taiwan, prior to its current status as an industrialized country,...
